
The American College of Emergency Physicians The abstract describing the success of the LifeVac in removing an airway obstruction in an adolescent simulator model will be presented at 2017 ACEP Research Forum. Abstract - LifeVac: A Novel Device for the Resuscitation of the Adolescent Choking Victim. DOI:

The World Congress of Gastroenterology 2017 Successful Resuscitation of Choking Victims Using a LifeVac, a Non-powered Portable Suction Device: Real World Experience (Abstract Category: Esophagus, Abstract Type: Clinical Vignettes/Case Reports)

The American Journal of Emergency Medicine

LifeVac submission in the AJG (American Journal of Gastroenterology) Volume 110, Supplement 1, October 2015 Abstracts, Page, S695, Section #1624

The American Broncho-Esophagological Association (ABEA) Novel use of a portable, non-powered, suction-generating device for management of life-threatening aerodigestive tract foreign bodies Poster #B001 - Page 106 – Thursday April 19th, 2018 Author(s)Pratik B Patel, Nina L Shapiro

International Journal of Clinical Skills - Peer-reviewed Journal - Successful Use of a Novel device called the LifeVac to Resuscitate Choking Victims - Worldwide Results

Spain National Congress Society of Medical Emergency Services - Post # 655 of Chapter 7. LifeVac: New device for clearing an airway obstructed by a foreign object.

International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology - Peer Reviewed Journal - Portable, nonpowered, suction-generating device for management of life-threatening aerodigestive tract foreign bodies: Novel prototype and literature review

Poster presentation at: Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM), American Bronchoesophagological Association (ABEA), National Harbor, Maryland, USA Pratik B.Patel Nina L.Shapiro

Resuscitation of Choking Victims in a Pediatric Population Using a
Novel Portable Non-Powered Suction Device: Real-World Data

Laura Levinson Gal*, Pamela Pugliesi, Diane Peterman
ProHEALTH Whitestone Pediatrics, NewYork, USA

The efficacy and usability of suction-based airway clearance devices for foreign body airway obstruction: a manikin randomised crossover trial

Emma Pattersona, Ho Tsun, Tanga Chen, Gavin D. Perkinsa. Keith Couper