EMS Responders Save 64-Year-Old in Care Home with LifeVac – #463
LifeVac is thrilled to announce our 463rd life saved
On August 7th a 64-year-old stroke patient at a nursing home choked on a breadstick. The food caused a total obstruction of the gentleman’s airway. Staff at the care home performed basic life support protocol but were unsuccessful in dislodging the breadstick. LifeVac was used by EMS responders.
Here is the testimony from the EMS Division Chief:
“Prior to our arrival, the nursing home staff had attempted the Heimlich. My EMS crew immediately moved him to the ambulance where they removed multiple chunks of wet bread via Laryngoscope/forceps, but the trachea was still fully obstructed. When I arrived shortly thereafter the crew used the LifeVac that I had and in one good pull the airway was FULLY CLEARED. “I absolutely believe that the LifeVac postponed his death..”
“I reported this data to our Medical Director who authorized me to buy a LifeVac for every apparatus. While I dread for a person to have a fully obstructed airway, I’m excited to have another proven tool in the toolbox now to remove the obstruction.”